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Prison Architect has a final free update out now

By - | Views: 14,155

Prison Architect is officially done. The final update has rolled out with The Sunset Update, as Paradox Interactive and Double Eleven have said they're finished with it.

Quite a surprise to see actually. Paradox only purchased the rights to it back in 2019, and I expected it to just keep on going for a lot longer than this, more like what they've done with their other strategy games but it's still had a rather long life. Perhaps a sequel is secretly in the works?

Anyway this final update they said the focus was on improving the player experience as much as possible.

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The main additions:

  • Capacitor 2.0: I introduce to you, the Capacitor Max Plus - an upgraded version of the capacitor which allows your Power Stations to now produce twice the amount of power than they did before - for twice the price of course.
  • Remote Doors: We have added a coloured variant of the remote doors for both Death Row and Supermax security levels.
  • Riot Van Speed: Due to the efficiency of air-bound emergency units we have increased the movement speed of the Riot Guard Vans, to lower their arrival time.
  • Super Dog Mutator: Due to our undeniable fondness of them, we’ve added a new mutator based on the Super Guard mutator which will help give our furry friends an upgrade.
  • Updated Descriptions: After sweeping through the game we decided to update or add a number of new text strings. As such we’ve updated text for Item description, Staff descriptions, and also Need Descriptions.

There's a whole lot of bug fixes and general cleanups as well. Full details on what's changed here.

You can buy Prison Architect from FanaticalGOG, Humble Store and Steam. It has Native Linux support and Valve tagged it as Steam Deck Playable (but not fully Verified).

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly. Find me on Mastodon.
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Forge May 19
Meh. Kickstarted it, played it when it was genuinely free, as soon as my lifetime "name in the game" (never got that confirmed/saw it either) version turned in to "base game, buy DLC pls" I dropped it. Never looked back. This is how *not* to maintain/sell your games.
FSFmember May 24
Quoting: ForgeMeh. Kickstarted it, played it when it was genuinely free, as soon as my lifetime "name in the game" (never got that confirmed/saw it either) version turned in to "base game, buy DLC pls" I dropped it. Never looked back. This is how *not* to maintain/sell your games.
That's exactly right. I made the same mistake of Kickstarting it. Been watching the dev diaries on YTB which I thought were great. But what has become of the game I do not approve of. yeah... whatever I guess.
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